A casino is a gambling establishment that accepts wagers on various games of chance. Casinos often include other attractions such as hotels, restaurants, bars, and entertainment venues. Some casinos specialize in particular games or have a distinctive atmosphere. In addition, casino facilities often feature high-end shopping and spa services.

Many casinos also feature live entertainment, such as music and theatrical performances. Several large cities in the United States have casinos, including Las Vegas, Atlantic City, and Reno. Many Indian tribes have casinos, as do some countries in South America and Asia. In the twenty-first century, casino gambling has become increasingly popular.

Casinos use a variety of security measures. Some use video cameras that monitor the entire casino floor from a central control room. Others use specialized technology to detect cheating and other irregularities. For example, some casino chips contain microcircuitry that allows them to be tracked electronically. Likewise, roulette wheels are monitored to discover any statistical deviations from expected results.

Because the house edge in casino gambling is typically quite small, casinos rely on high-stakes players to make much of their profits. These bettors are called “high rollers” because their bets are usually in the thousands of dollars. Casinos often reward these high-rollers with free spectacular entertainment, transportation, luxury suites, and other amenities. Casinos may also offer reduced-fare transportation and other inducements to entice low-stakes gamblers.

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